Psychiatrist: Mental Health Is Broken
Another psychiatrist breaks ranks to expose the myths, corruption and pseudoscience, undergirding psychiatry.
Another psychiatrist breaks ranks to expose the myths, corruption and pseudoscience, undergirding psychiatry.
Seven and a Half Lessons About the Brain is the second book by neuroscientist Lisa Feldman Barrett. Here are some highlights with commentary.
Rather than helping to explain, psychiatric diagnoses like ‘ADHD’ do more to obscure what really matters. Sami Timimi's latest book explains why.
How many of us are blindly repeating behaviours that, at one time or another, were advantageous (if not life-saving), without realising that the environment in which these habits were developed no longer exists?
The pandemic and responses to it (e.g. lockdowns, school closures) continue to impact the well-being of young adult Americans.
Scott Adams’ latest book, Loserthink: How Untrained Brains are Ruining America, is about flawed thinking and ways to foster more productive methods of thought and communication.
Based on new Census data, the Institute for Family Studies (IFS) reported that divorce in America hit a record low in 2019.
Attempting to understand human beings at the level of the brain can prevent us from understanding the people whom those brains belong to.
The coronavirus pandemic is taking its toll.